

Logistic Union LLC

Reducing energy consumption while improving the cooling capacity

Logistic Union LLC is a company in logistics and part of ATB Corporation. Currently, ATB Corporation has around 5,000 employees, and six warehouse complexes on a European level in Ukraine: Dnieper, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Lviv and Kherson.

Reducing energyconsumption and improving the cooling capacity of 64 refrigeration units in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa. 


The main goal of Logistic Union LLC is to ensure a normal mode of operation to their cooling systems, also during the hot summer period. During the peak hours of hot summers, when the outdoor air temperature reaches +35°C, the chiller operates at the peak regime. This overloads the compressors of the chillers which then frequently switch off. Furthermore, working at peak regimes requires heavy electrical energy consumption and during the hot season, energy consumption can increase up to 45%. This translates in a significant boost of the operational costs since electrical energy is an essential cost position. Oxycom’s PreCooll units reduce the electrical energy consumption of the chillers, boosts its efficiency and ensures a normal mode of operation (no transcritical).

ATB Supermarket - Ukraine 2


The Solution
To prevent the chiller from overloading, Logistic Union LLC looked for a solution that would enable the cooling installation to operate more efficiently while increasing its cooling capacity during the summer. Logistic Union LLC installed Oxycom’s PreCooll systems in front of the 64 condensers. The adiabatic panels lower the air temperature entering the condenser and increase the cooling capacity while using less electricity.

Oxycom's sophisticated calculation models predicted a dramatic increase in the chiller’s cooling capacity (28% average increase) and a drastic reduction in electrical energy consumption (by 25% on average) with the installation of the PreCooll systems. Furthermore, the chiller, in combination with PreCooll, operates at a normal load and avoids overloading. This increases the chiller’s lifetime and ROI. 

Sergey Tonkonog, ASTRA-engineering: Oxycom’s PreCooll System reduced electricity consumption by 25% and increased cooling capacity by 28%.

By choosing Oxycom's PreCooll systems, the customer has been able to install smaller chillers. By purchasing smaller chillers in combination with PreCooll, the customer received a very efficient cooling installation, delivering the same power, consuming less energy, and reduced peak power for the same amount of money.


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Get in touch with Oxycom and see what our adiabatic cooling can do for your factory.

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Kor Foekens
Commercial Director

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