Sustainable and effective cooling; our adiabatic cooling makes it possible.
Hygiene is the top priority in the food industry. IntrCooll ensures optimal hygiene in your factory.
Precision metalworking demands stable temperatures at all times. IntrCooll provides the metal industry a sustainable and stable climate.
Our evaporative cooling establishes a stable climate for the packaging industry. The well-balanced humidity prevents static charge, high dust load and deformation of the material.
For storage and order picking of pharmaceutical products and foodstuffs, a temperature between 15°C and 25°C is required. We can, while drastically reducing your carbon footprint.
Adiabatic pre-cooling increases the cooling capacity and reliability of your cooling and freezing installations, even faced with extreme heat. Save up to 40% energy.
Our unique two-step adiabatic cooling ensures low humidity and prevents condensation on cooled molds. Count on an optimal production climate.
Apart from servers, cooling installations are the biggest energy guzzlers of your business. Save up to 40% energy.
Choose IntrCooll adiabatic cooling for a comfortable working climate, clean, filtered air and optimal humidity control.
Hygiene is the top priority for industrial bakeries; from the moment the dough is prepared to the moment the bread is packaged. IntrCooll ensures optimal hygiene for the production process and the work floor.
IntrCooll provides existing air handling units with (top) cooling. In case your AHU is already equipped with mechanical cooling, IntrCooll is the ultimate energy-saving solution.
IntrCooll enables outdoor comfort in extremely warm climates. Optimal airspeed is essential for the effectiveness of our outdoor cooling. IntrCooll creates comfortable zones with cool air.
PreCooll adiabatic pre-cooling turns your new or existing installation into a sustainable and reliable system. Pre-cooling keeps the pressure and load lower, which increases the lifespan of your installation.
Employees and machines perform better in a well-balanced climate. Indirect/direct evaporative cooling from Oxycom ensures outstanding ventilation, pleasant temperatures and optimal humidity.
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